The 2025 Riverina Classic Fishing Competition will be the 12th Annual event happening on the 7th, 8th & 9th February 2025.
Fishing is only permitted between Gogeldrie Weir and the Carrathool Bridge.
The Riverina Classic Catch and Release Fishing Competition is a great 3 days of fishing over a weekend in February each year. As a charity event proceeds are distributed to a chosen charity each year & also used to re-stock the Murrumbidgee River with native fingerlings securing a healthy and sustainable fishing future.
As a full photo entry competition, anglers have better flexibility on fishing hours & the entry of over-sized cod can be accepted in the competition as the survival rate of catch & release fish is increased by reducing the amount of time the fish spends in captivity.
Riverina Classic Catch & Release Fishing Competition 2025
7th to 9th February 2025
The 12th Annual Riverina Classic Fishing Competition is back for 2025.
Fishing is only permitted between Gogeldrie Weir and the Carrathool Bridge.

2025 Charity
Proceeds from the 2025 Riverina Classic will be distributed to Rural Outreach Counselling Inc. ROC is a not for profit, community funded mental health counselling support service focusing on sufferers and their families in rural and remote Australia, starting out in the Riverina region of New South Wales.
Some funds each year are used to help re-stock the Murrumbidgee River with native fingerlings securing a healthy and sustainable fishing future.
ROC aims to significantly reduce suicide, the impact of depression and anxiety in rural families and communities throughout regional Australia. This aim will be achieved by reaching out proactively with help and support to those who can’t, or won’t, present to a General Practitioner (GP) or existing mental health services.
Through ROC Counsellors and MateKeepers circulating within the community, support will be provided to at-risk individuals via networking, connections and relationships formed by reaching out. MateKeepers are everyday people in our community who are proactive in reaching out to those struggling with mental health issues.
ROC MateKeepers act as a pathway to professional help for those who are resistant to seeking support. ROC MateKeepers are trained in the basic of suicide awareness through ROCs qualified QPR presenters.
Supporting Local People
ROC is a not for profit, community funded mental health counselling support service focusing on sufferers and their families in rural and remote Australia, starting out in the Riverina region of NSW. This support has been extended in more recent times to people who have suffered from the devastation 2019/2020 bush fire, ongoing drought and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Are you interested in sponsoring our next event? The Riverina Classic would not be as successful at raising money for charity each year without the help of our amazing sponsors.
Photo Rules
To improve the survival rate of fish caught in the catch & release fishing competition the Riverina Classic is a full photo competition. To find out how to take you photos we have a handy guide.
To find out what is happening for the upcoming Riverina Classic fishing competition, follow us on Facebook. It gets more active closer to the event each year.

Darlington Point APEX
Apex is a volunteer community service organisation that offers active Australians aged 18 to 45 an opportunity to learn more about themselves, gain new skills, make new friends and help those in need.
It is because of the members involved in the Darlington Point APEX club that the Riverina Classic fishing competition started as an event which has become a highlight on the Darlington Point calendar each year.

National Parks & Forestry
For any persons considering entering the Murrumbidgee Valley National Park and or Regional Park or any National Parks or Regional Parks at any time please visit the National Parks and Forestry Corporation websites for important information.
Including but not limited to Safety Information / closures and all information required before entering any National Parks and or Regional Parks at any time.
Please be advised to be very careful after rain when road services can be extremely hazardous.
Boating & Fishing
Information about boating on waterways within NSW including licences, safety and rules can be found on the Transport for NSW: Roads and Maritime website.
Recreational Fishing Information
Information about recreational fishing in Australia is on the Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries page.
To fish you need a recreational fishing License which can be purchased online or locally at the Gum View Cafe or Central Garage in Darlington Point
Lifejackets are an essential piece of equipment while fishing, there are a number of different styles available. The Transport for NSW: RMS explains the different types of life jackets here.
Please Note: Inflatable life jackets require 12 monthly checks, information about what is required in the check can be found on the Transport for NSW: Roads and Maritime website here.
Fishing Waters
The fishing waters for the Riverina Classic can be found on the map.